Our Science Week

This week we’ve been exploring the world through science! In small groups we made butter by shaking double cream in a jar. It took a lot of shaking...


This week we’ve been exploring the world through science! In small groups we made butter by shaking double cream in a jar.

butter 2

It took a lot of shaking and teamwork to make the butter after we enjoyed tasting what we made.

butter 1

We also made ear gongs and explored sound.

ear gong

In our classroom we experimented with mixing flour, salt, and water to make the perfect Playdoh recipe. We practised our problem-solving when our mixtures were too runny or too thick. We also tried juicing different fruits and estimating how much juice we could get from each. Most of the children thought that the orange would make the most juice because it was the biggest.



Sports day is Monday July 11! Come dressed in you team colour and PE kit.