Three Little Pigs – Day three

Wow! We are super impressed with how resilient and courageous you have been getting back into your school routine after the Easter holidays. You have produced some superb...


Wow! We are super impressed with how resilient and courageous you have been getting back into your school routine after the Easter holidays. You have produced some superb learning at home it has been a pleasure to see. Are you ready for your final day learning about ‘The Three Little Pigs’

Group Learning: Today the children will receive a secret message from one of the characters from the book. Who do you think it might be? The children’s learning task for today is to write a letter to the wolf to give them advice on how to be a good friend. Resources needed: your red books and a pencil.

Phonics: Today the children will help Ms Bharat to sort all the jumbled up pictures into the correct groups do they contain the ‘air’ sound or the ‘ear’ sound. Please refer to the link in the video to review the tricky word wall and play the game with your parents at home.

Maths: Today the children will be introduced to the properties of 3D shapes using the languages of faces, vertices and edges. You may choose to watch this video: We shall be using this new knowledge to play guess the shape game. Please see attached a sheet for guidance on the properties of 3D shapes. session 3 – 3D shapes properties

Resources you will need for today’s session:

Please make the following grid prior to watching the video- session 3 – properties grid

You will need your red book, a pencil, a bag or a box, a sphere, a cylinder, a pyramid, a cube, a cuboid and a cylinder.

Rainbow Challenges: Challenge Signs A4 wk 1 (Updated)

Have a fantastic day of learning everyone, we look forward to see all your wonderful learning soon!

Wednesday 22 April – Earth Day

Please find attached suggested activities you could complete to celebrate this together at home as detailed in the letter you received via wisepay yesterday:

Earth Day 2020 ideas

Earth Day activities

Please find lyrics to the song challenge:

One Moment One People Lyrics and Links

One Moment, One People home resources


Have a brilliant day,

Reception Team